Friday, November 5, 2010

Life in God's hand

Life in God's hands, is a wonderful thing.  See when we first begin, before we were born again christian, we were in the world and not living at all for the lord.  When we are in the world we often trip and fall, and it often hurts and is painful.  but when we are in god's hands we need not worry about tripping and falling, yes we will have those moments when we will have hardships just like in the world, but the difference is we won't endure for long and if we do we have JESUS right there holding our hand and helping us along.  In God's hands we always safe and secure.  Just as it said in 1 John 4:4, because the who is in you is greater then the one who is in the world.  That is basically saying that when we trust in the Lord and continue in his hands we can defeat the things of this world no matter what it is.  God's hands represent his will and what he has planned for us and when we keep in that plan we have the protection and the secure knowledge that when our lives hit the rough storms, like they always will, we will have his hand there holding our hand so that we can make it through that storm. remember JESUS said if we just have a faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains.  let me end with this that God's hands are always safe and always secure so if you not in them and you don't have him as your Lord and savior I pray that you are lead to lord and that you are able to humble yourself to the lord and say lord I was wrong

                                   Keep in the Lord always,
                                   your Brother in Christ
                                   Larry Mattox 

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